
Acapulco, Mexico

July 15 - 19, the entire Gilley family vacationed to Acapulco, Mexico. Ava's first trip out of the country. We spent a lot of time hanging by the pool and the beach, despite mommy's gym injury. Ava had never seen the beach before, so this was a huge first for her. She was very timid when we first approached the water, but after watching a few kids playing in the sand, she was an instant natural.

After a few minutes, there was no more fear, she was running towards the ocean...

We did a day tour of downtown Acapulco. We got to see so much of the history (Chapel of Peace Cross and the original Tarzan's restaurant, just to name a few). We ate lunch while watching the infamous cliff divers...

Ava had to burn some energy by running the halls of our hotel...

The last night of the trip, we ate dinner at the most fabulous restaurant.The food was so amazing! Our view at sunset...


Tugentmans Visit

Aunt Lisa and the twins came to visit us for the month of July. During her visit, the 'little' tuggies came to see everyone and to celebrate Granma's 60th birthday! We had a family birthday for Granma on July 6th. Ava loved spending time with all her family!

Ava giggling with Uncle Steve...

Ava and tickle finger. aka Granpa...

Sissy helping Ava walk down the stairs like a big girl...
Ava was trying to comfort Ethan while he was crying...

Megan and Addison...
Uncle David, Granma and Uncle Steve...